Your Quick Guide To Managing Ethics & Compliance

Assessing Trust (and more)

If you’re wondering how to assess employee trust (knowledge, accountability, and accessibility), this tool might help get you started.

It’s a simplified/adapted version of an assessment we’ve used in various organisations. Typically, the organisation is either:

🤔 Mature (in terms of controls) but still having compliance issues.

🤔 Experiencing rapid change (mergers, inorganic growth, downsizing, etc.) and wanting to know who needs what (type of) support.

🤔 Transitioning from a culture where risk was managed by a blend of experience (and knowing who to ask) to something more formalised and wanting to learn how to build bespoke and smart systems.

We’d need some demographics (location, department, etc.) for the assessment. With that data, we can follow up with more precise support. For example, unsurprisingly, we tend to find the further you are from a laptop, the greater a challenge ‘knowledge’ becomes. On the other hand, accountability issues seem to be most acute in support functions.

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Your Quick Guide To Managing Ethics & Compliance