Your Quick Guide To Managing Ethics & Compliance

Address key risks, rightsize sustainability, focus on what matters

Not all risk and sustainability issues require your immediate attention. We help you find and fix the ones that matter most, first.

What if there was a way to simplify assessment and focus on what really needs addressing?

Instant access to tools when you need them.

We supply a Resource Library with access to on-demand premium and customisable guidance, tools, and content.

An advisor who actually gives advice.

We believe in knowledge transfer - helping you create positive impact with human-centric assessments, adaptable content, and practical advice.

Focus on your People.

Culture matters most. You want to empower your people, drive organisational change, build resilience, engagement and understanding. We get it!

Make Solutions simple.

We don’t give you long documents filled with jargon or ask you to use clunky systems. Doing the right thing should be easy - use tech to save time and clear language to engage your people.

Make it right-sized, relevant and relatable.

As a leader and risk owner, you’re probably told you have to worry about corruption, fraud, human rights, sanctions, money laundering, sustainability (ESG), and it goes on.

But how relevant is each area to what you do?

You need to know what matters and then manage the issues with (often) limited resources.

The bigger advisory firms will often pitch you a larger-than-life service, including everything, then leave the juniors to do the work.

We are small enough to get to know and care about your organisation and what you need. Quickly triage that long list down to high, medium and low priorities, so you know you’re focusing your resources where they’re most needed.

Make it possible with a combination of software and service.


Both external and internal landscapes using the Ethics Insight software.


Build a fit for purpose framework through our content library.


Change sustainability from blocker to value adder.

Tips, tricks, hacks, and more on all things risk & sustainability

These are just some of the companies who have trusted us to provide sustainability solutions and risk advisory support


Acquisition integration

Post investment compliance upgrade

“We are really happy with the work – relevant, to the point and easy to understand. We look forward to working on other engagements.” 

– Senior ESG Counsel, Swedfund


Swedfund had provided financing for an Asian microfinance institution that required an ESG-compliant management system.


We used a blend of our assessment platform, interviews and workshops to quickly assess gaps and prioritise – adapted to the microfinance firm’s operations and resources.


Within a couple of months – leveraging and customising content from our library of resources – we’d implemented the framework and developed training, policies and guidance.


Risk assessment

Risk assessment and frameworks that work

“Very insightful in regards to risk matters. It is always easy to reach Rupert and communicate with him. His feedback and comment add huge value to my work. Highly recommended.”

– Head of Compliance, IHS Towers


A fast-growing ICT company required a risk assessment that people could understand (and content ranging from speak-up posters to investigations frameworks).


Using a blend of our platform resources and ongoing advisory support, we developed human-centric and right-sized frameworks and content, typically turning around requests in days.


The ICT firm’s compliance team provided seamless and timely support to the business, using language and content that was simple, relatable, and actionable.


Confidential reporting

50 investigations in five months

“I appreciate a lot your commitment to the challenging assignment. Our success would not be possible without your commitment, dedication, hard work, cooperation and collaboration with an open-minded attitude. It was a great pleasure working with you.” 

– Head of Complaint Intake Team


A transnational organisation required support on 50 complex sustainability cases raised through their reporting framework – the issues spanned 22 countries.


Using, adapting, and refining a system to triage the cases, coupled with investigative experience and research skills, we prioritised and addressed all the matters.


Within five months, we’d resolved the 50 cases, investigated hundreds of people and entities, and maintained the trust and integrity in the reporting framework.


Third-party benchmarking

Remote benchmarking of third-parties

“Once again, thanks for working on this project. I have learnt a lot from you and have recommended you and your support to my colleagues in other regions.”

– Regional Head of Compliance


A healthcare organisation could not visit distributors in 11 locations across Asia to conduct sustainability and governance benchmarking and provide training support.


We adapted our remote-enabled platform to develop healthcare-centric questions targeted at distributors and followed up with targeted questions.


In a month, we’d achieved what would typically take 3-6 months (plus travel costs) and developed advice to address the gaps for the distributors most-needing support.

Your Quick Guide To Managing Business Ethics

This short guide will give you some simple and clear steps to help you prevent, detect and respond to ethical and sustainability issues.

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Your Quick Guide To Managing Ethics & Compliance

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